Why 55 by 25

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The Economic Imperative for Increasing Attainment

According to the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce, 95 percent of jobs created since the “Great Recession” have gone to workers with at least some college education, while those with a high school diploma or less are being left behind.


Key Takeaway From 1A Target Industry Strategy

“Increasingly, the level of education of a community’s population is becoming a decisive factor in economic competitiveness. Firms understand the need to operate in economies that offer a sufficient supply of workers that meet or exceed their demands. They also know that the lack of an educated workforce can significantly affect business performance.”

— Garner Economics, One Acadiana Target Industry Strategy


Starting from Behind as a Region

In terms of the percent of adults (age 25+) with an associate degree or higher:

  •  Louisiana ranks 48th as a state
  • Within Louisiana, Acadiana ranks in the bottom half (5th out of 8) as a region

Dive into One Acadiana’s interactive dashboard to see the latest educational attainment data for our region.


For many years, the blessings of the oil and gas industry – where one could earn a good living without a postsecondary degree – created an environment where higher education was desirable but not essential. As our regional economy evolves, many more of our citizens will need postsecondary degrees and high-quality credentials to equip them for good jobs and good wages.

Percentage of Acadiana Adults Age 25+ with a Post Secondary Degree*


Based on the current trajectory, we will need to increase attainment by 12 percentage points in order to achieve the “55 by 25” goal.

55by25 Partners

SCP Health
Leadership Institute of Acadiana
Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center
One Acadiana
Evangeline Parish Industrial Board
Pugh Family Foundation
Stem CGI
Lafayette General Health
United Way of Acadiana
Noble Plastics
Vermilion Economic Development Alliance
LHC Group